
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Atelier Mariazinha

As I browsed on Facebook all the boutiques that I follow through my page, I thought I would share with you my favourite children clothing and accessories labels, as a regular feature.

You will notice that most of them happen to be European, mostly Portuguese - this is not just a way of promoting Portuguese labels - which I would of course, being Portuguese myself ;-)  - but also because I believe in well-made products, especially if they are beautifully made!

Some time ago I  mentioned Mariadelina, a beautiful boutique in Lisbon, which carries their own brand (made right there in their workshop) and other brands, of clothing, accessories and even furniture. And before that I mentioned one of my all-time favourite boutiques, the Spanish Nanos. I visited their gorgeous shop in Notting Hill, London and could seriously have purchase the entire contents!

Today, I want to feature another boutique, Atelier Mariazinha. Also located in the heart of Lisbon, they sell the most wonderful children's clothing - and their website is absolutely adorable.

Make sure to visit their website and mostly, follow them on Facebook, where you can see more of their products and keep up with sales! ;-)

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